Pattern 453 Spode bone china Bute shape Coffee Can produced by Josiah Spode II c1803.  The hand-painted design incorporates simple floral sprigs in a very orderly fashion.  It is chic & makes me think of Parisian designs of the period.  Yellow enamel was very popular in the late 18th & early 19th century and most fashionable designs came to the UK from either Europe or the Far East.
Spode II's signature gilding pattern down the kinked handle
I think the design for this coffee can appears to have come from France & straight from the style of the 17th century Gardens of Versailles which were all about control & order of nature (& people) and following the French Revolution of 1792 that desire for control & order would have been reassuring to wealthy customers yet again.  
At this time, there was a fear that the fervour of revolution could spread to British shores but fortunately the British 'elites' were on the whole less arrogant than their French counterparts & much more pragmatic.  
200+ years later and the controlling, arrogant European 'elites' are still making the same mistakes & history looks to be repeating itself. Europe is in turmoil & Britain will look to the Far East again & the rest of the World (if our arrogant, lying & scheming MP's allow us to leave the EU). 
Parliament voted 6 to 1 to hold a Referendum, the UK Government spent £9.3 million sending a pamphlet to every home (27 million households) setting out the UK Government's arguments for staying in the EU but also making it clear that it was our decision and promising that the UK government would implement whatever the British people decided.
The EU Referendum question was very simple, 'Do you wish to LEAVE or REMAIN in the EU' & it was the largest UK vote in our entire history with a massive turnout. The result was: 
17.4 million people voted to leave against 16.1 million to remain
By constituency, 406 voted to leave against 242 to remain
Constituencies by main political parties; Conservative 247 constituencies voted to leave against 80 to remain, Labour constituencies 148 voted to leave against 84 to remain.
9 regions of the UK voted to leave against 3 to remain
By MP's, 160 voted to leave against 486 who voted to remain
Following the results of the Referendum an election was held in which both major parties promised in their manifestos to implement the result of the referendum.  Both establishment parties have reneged entirely on their promises & the 'deal' 'negotiated' by PM May currently on offer is NOT LEAVING THE EU, it is tying the UK to the EU forevermore with no say in the matter.  Both main UK political parties & their MP's lied & obtained their seats in Parliament by false pretences. 
If LEAVE is denied then our democracy, which is the oldest in the world, dies with it & so do British business opportunities.  The majority of British people believe in Great Britain so why do our politicians think otherwise?
A sterling future is waiting for us on the other side of Brexit written by MATTHEW LYNN - Well said & here is another article by Liam Halligan in a similar vein:
Decades of UK Government deceit; this is a powerful article by Iain Duncan Smith -  now the truth is emerging:
UK Government is reaching its, 'Let them eat cake' moment very shortly - 31st March 2019 we should have left the EU.
The Tory Party has destroyed itself almost completely; 24 May 2019 put the Union Jacks out, the wicked witch of the East is going, at long last.  Just don't make the mistake of trusting ANY OF THEM AGAIN, they lie & most of them are Remainers at heart, just like the Labour elites, the Lib Dems & those other small, left-wing parties.  I, like many others, who value our UK Democracy have joined & donated to, the Brexit Party & will stay loyal as long as they are working for the British people.
Congratulations to Nigel Farage & all at the Brexit Party.  You have made history; you now have 29 MEP's, the biggest national party in the European Parliament within only 6 weeks of being launched.  Next job is to be ready for a UK general election, onwards & upwards.  WELL DONE.
Much has happened since I last up-dated this page. The Conservative Party came to its senses with a new leader in Boris Johnson who managed to get a date for a General Election & promised to get Brexit done.  Nigel Farage's Brexit Party had candidates ready to go for all constituencies but graciously withdrew most of them in order to not split the leave vote.  Thank you Nigel for putting our country before your party's interests.
This left a clear field for the Conservative Party who excelled themselves, gaining many extra seats in previously strongly Labour supporting areas.  The result was a Conservative landslide, all prominent 'Remain' MPs who had thwarted Brexit lost their seats. What cheery news for Christmas!
Conservatives won 365 seats +47 
Labour won 203 seats -59
Importantly this country has said 'NO' to Corbyn's Marxism & it has said 'NO' to the Lib Dems wish to ignore democracy.  Both parties were crushed by the decency and good sense of the British working-class voter.  Hopefully democracy will be respected & upheld this time around.  Hopefully this country, which has been in limbo since that 2016 EU Referendum can now move forwards.  Both our currency & stock markets have responded with glee and optimism following the results of this General Election.
Today is 31 January 2020 & it is Brexit Day; we are actually leaving the EU.   
The ordinary British people have stood unwavering in the face of great pressure (as they have done many times before) in the belief that Democracy should be upheld & enacted.  Today Government of the people, by the people for the people is once again in place, as it should be.  We will be celebrating 11pm this evening with a bottle of English Sparkling Wine which was made only 3 miles from where we live.  This is the beginning of a new era for the UK full of possibilities & opportunities.  Cheers to all those who supported the cause. It was a worthy cause.
Here inside is the icing on the cake (pun intended); a lovely rich cobalt blue band with scrolling gilt work.  How lovely & what a little treasure. You can see that it has been well loved for the last 200+ years & long may it continue.
This beautiful Spode Coffee Can was purchased from an Antiques Dealer in Australia.  The dealer had purchased this item around the time the Copeland China Collection had been sold off by Bonham's auction house at Trelissick House, Cornwall 24th July 2013.  Many Spode pieces which had been on display at the Spode Museum, but were privately owned by the Copeland family, made their way to Moorabool Antiques, Geelong, Australia & this was one of them.  You can see the details here:
As with my Spode Square Dish in pattern 1185 with the Royal Backstamp this item has had quite a long journey & has now returned home safely. 
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