Pattern 819 Spode bone china Bute shape Coffee Can decorated with a border of apricot enamel & gilding as previously seen in pattern 441 together with 6 bands of gilding and a wide band of platinum lustre. This design was introduced c1805 & decoration using platinum to create a lustre was a new invention. You can see that the process didn't take very well on this handle and looking at other pieces can reveal patchy results as well.
Several Spode patterns using platinum lustre decoration were produced around this time but they tend to be rare probably because it was expensive to produce and had variable results. Although later in the century many lustreware products would become popular but these would not be produced by Spode or Copeland.
Clean inside almost
Marked to its base in iron-red enamel with both 'SPODE' & its pattern number '819', this coffee can was probably made a few years later than its date of design introduction, possibly c1810-1815.